Saturday, January 17, 2009

Inaugural coverage to really "take you there"

I lived in Washington, D.C. for three and a half years as a student at Howard University.

I know D.C.

I love D.C.

But I also understand D.C.'s weaknesses when it comes to large crowds.

"Big" events that drew thousands such as Howard University's Homecoming and even the NBA All-Star game often meant crowded metro trains and stand-still traffic.

The Inauguration is expected to be beyond colossal. Ginormous even.

Logistically, will it work? That's to be seen.

But I for one can't wait for the tweets, Myspace and Facebook updates, blogs, videos, vlogs and online photos from my friends telling me all about it.

But for the folks who won't be there, new media is promising up-close and personal coverage like never before.

CNN and Facebook are partnering for online coverage.

NPR and have established tags for citizen journalists to use when microblogging before and during the inauguration.

The Washington Post is promising the best coverage one will find anywhere.

And various mobile television devices are urging folks to tune in while on the move.

And President-Elect Barack Obama's staff is promising to make it the most "accessible" in U.S. history by partnering with YouTube and Twitter.

I don't know about you, but I'm excited about this super digital day....and the pessimist in me is waiting to see if any of it goes according to plan.

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