Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tweet? More like "Snark"

This is my blog, so I can say what I want.

It recently came to my attention that many Congressmen were Twittering/Tweeting during President Barack Obama's speech on Tuesday night.

A blog from the Guardian asks if it was inappropriate. My answer: Hell yes.

These new technologies, in the wrong hands and at the wrong time, can be more than a detriment to getting things accomplished. And in this case it was absolutely juvenile.

Case in point: I take a 400-level course in the Annenberg School where I am surrounded by underclassmen. Recently, at the end of an in-class speech by a visiting, well-established entertainment quasi-icon, we were allowed to ask questions. As one of the underclassmen stood up to ask a semi-significant question, a gaggle of her fellow students preceded to say, loudly might I add, "Gag me with a spoon."

According to me, that, is the equivalent of these politicians Tweeting during Presient Obama's speech.

Dana Milbank of The Washington Post (in the link above) put it best: "It's bad enough that Americans are paralyzed by economic jitters. Now the president has to deal with lawmakers paralyzed by Twitter."

If you ask me, this is just another case of when technology usage goes wrong.

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