Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Nossip Gossip that's Verifiable...but anonymous

The idea for Nossip was that the name "Nossip" would stand for "newsroom gossip"...well, in the vein of Perez Hilton the self-proclaimed Queen of all Media, I have some actual newsroom gossip for my Nossip readers.

First let me say that I have friends working in newspapers from coast to coast and all points in between. They all know I'm in school now and so to keep me in the loop in the hopes that I will eventually find my way back to a newsroom, they update me on how their papers are handling the economy and the digital age.

Here are a few horror stories I've gotten in the last week:

- One paper has issued a mandate that all employess turn off their computers and other electric devices if they are going to be gone from their work station for more than 2 hours. Also, to save on their electric bill, lights in the bathrooms and in the newsrooms as a whole must be turned off when not in use.

- One paper has stopped offering free single copies of the newspaper throughout the building and has stopped all access to single copies in its library. So, if staffers want to read their articles, they'd better go out and buy a paper.

- One paper's online editor refuses to do podcasts and will offer no explanation as to why the organization will not move into this new popular media. Perhaps it's Web space? Does he/she not know how podcasts work? Who's to say.

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