Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic: The AJC Redesign

Yeah, the header of this blog post is very cliche, but honestly, it's the best description I can offer for this nonsense (The Atlanta Journal Constitution released/unveiled its redesigned newspaper today.)

What year is this?

It is 2009, right?

And we're still talking about and throwing resources behind redesigning the hard copy of the newspaper?

That is disappointing to say the least, disturbing to put it frankly.

Some of the highlighted features and touted new benefits of the redesign include, news that's "easy to find", being able to "navigate to the information you want with color-coded sections, at-a-glance headlines and consistent, clear organization," "more color," and a different type font.

Whoa! Let's not get all crazy with the innovation here, guys. (Creative Loafing Atlanta sees my point.)

....but seriously, I'll cut the sarcasm there and just say..."Wow, that's too bad."

And, I'm not sure if this makes this situation ironic or just additionally unfortunate, but the AJC even went as far as to make a kind of infomercial about the redesign a few days ago. View it, and commentary about it by Creative Loafing Atlanta, here.


1 comment:

  1. Ha ha...that's funny. Why not just make a magazine instead?
