Sunday, April 5, 2009

Still useful....I guess.

I honestly don't even know how I stumbled upon this story (and just in case you're wondering, no, I didn't use or whatever)

This, I guess, is kind of a glimmer on the possible silver lining that exists around the dark cloud of newspaper journalism.

The Commercial Appeal in Memphis has uncovered a financial scandal that involves the FBI, a Christmas party and the city's mayor, Willie Herenton.

I'd qualify this as a big deal.

And guess what? The Commercial Appeal is the ONLY news outlet with the information.

The story has dissiminated to at least three or so other news media, but the Commerical Appeal is the only news source credited as being the originator of the information.

I'm not sure if that's a bad, good or great thing. One one hand it's a SCORE! for the home team.

On the other hand, it kind of shows that, in terms of the big head and long tail form of journalism, that the tail's not really up to much which shows that newspapers ARE still the main source for news which would then mean that they have a reason for living.....

...but then again, this is just one story.


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