Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"And the Pulitzer Prize for Tweeting goes to..."

So the Twitter talk, and talk of Twitter practically never stops.

Oprah tweeted her first tweet and the Web went crazy.

Ashton Kucher and CNN had a Twitter follower face-off.

Just this week Facebook opened its system to third-party developers, allowing them to build Facebook applications that will let users post status updates, share pictures and links, and interact with most other elements of the site without ever visiting Facebook.com. (Some say it's Facebook's way of trying to be like Twitter. Others disagree on the technological spat.)

Microsoft is even trying to be in with the "in crowd", announcing this week a public test of a Twitter-like notification service.

And I must be a bit clairvoyant because apparently people ARE using Twitter to track the Swine Flu outbreak. (An idea that I discussed a few months ago in a class presentation at USC regarding health epidemics and the use of Twitter.)

With the Pulitzer Prize winners being announced last week, this little cartoon came to mind.

It just might be a glimpse into the future.

Never say never.

1 comment:

  1. Wait, i don't understand the new Facebook policy......how does it work?

    BTW....i just read a twitter log published in the New Yorker this week. Heh heh
